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Site Speed Optimisation training

The web is slow, it’s creaking at the seams with its fundamentally antiquated design. Most websites are slow, but this doesn’t have to be the case. We all have the opportunity to make sites load much faster and make the creaky web a better place. It’s down to businesses to make the right partnerships and strategic decisions to speed things up for everyone and this course will set you on your way.

Trainer TBC

Trainer TBC

Courses: 32

Coming soon

Course content

In this course, you'll learn about all of the key areas of web and site speed they don’t teach you in blogs. Understand the elements of load time that actually make a difference and stop using plugins that hurt load times.

  • Why the web is broken and why site speed isn’t the only issue
  • Some of the common site speed myths and how to avoid them
  • How to spot bottlenecks and identify their solution
  • Better understand how fast websites are fundamentally different
  • Spot web development issues BEFORE a client's site goes live
  • Workshop time for individual site analysis and recommendations

You will learn:

  • A brief history of the web
  • What are the key issues now?
  • What is the future?
  • How do sites make this worse?

Common Site Speed Myths and How to Avoid Them

  • The great speed plugin myth
  • Faster hosting = faster sites?

How to Spot Bottlenecks and Identify the Solution

  • What is a bottleneck?
  • Where can we find them?
  • How do we identify the fix without kicking the can down the road?

How to Spot Web Development Issues BEFORE its too Late

  • What to look for
  • What may not be an issue in dev
  • What to flag to the client early on
  • When to worry
  • What can be fixed and what can’t

Site Speed Workshop

  • Opportunity to discuss burning issues and how to fix them

This intermediate course is aimed at technical SEOs or digital marketers who wants to better understand the elements of load time that actually make a difference and how to improve the speed of your clients', or your own, websites. It will help if you're comfortable using CPanel and your CMS.

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