Silke Vanbeselaere

Diffusion Digital | Senior SEO Account Manager

Silke started her professional journey as an ancient history researcher, but soon found her passion in Digital Humanities. She taught herself coding in R and Python and with the additional knowledge of social network analysis, she explored the community structures of Ancient Egypt.

All things data analysis eventually led to a new career path and an exciting role in SEO. With years of experience in agency and in-house SEO roles, she's now the Senior SEO Account Manager at Diffusion Digital, where she can often be found experimenting with text mining and network analysis alongside SEO.

Beyond her digital adventures, Silke loves a good drag king night, pretending not to have a 7am wake-up call the next morning for city farm adventures with her two year old.

Connect with Silke Vanbeselaere

Silke Vanbeselaere