Content strategy

100% evergreen articles to survive search updates

brightonSEO October 2024

Search updates have thrown a lot of marketers into a panic. But you don't have to dread the next time they drop a major change.

In fact, there are plenty of webpages that see consistent traffic before and after major search updates. It turns out, they have some common factors that help them stay at the top of searches.

In this talk, Chris will detail how to structure your content to survive search updates and thrive while others scramble.

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Auditorium 1, Brighton Centre, Kings Road, Brighton and Hove, Brighton, BN1 2GR, United Kingdom

Thu 03 Oct, 2024 | 01:40 PM

News publishers and the elephant In the room: ChatGPT

brightonSEO October 2024

The reaction to Chat GPT in news publishers has been wide ranging. In this talk, Duncan identifies the shifts in attitudes and practices related to Open AI's LLM in the publisher website space.

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Auditorium 1, Brighton Centre, Kings Road, Brighton and Hove, Brighton, BN1 2GR, United Kingdom

Thu 03 Oct, 2024 | 01:40 PM

Should you start a podcast?

brightonSEO October 2024

Jo will explore the potential benefits and pitfalls of starting a podcast in her talk, drawing from her experience creating 20 episodes of MozPod in just 7 days with a budget of $20k. She'll share insights on planning, production, and promotion. Attendees will learn practical tips for launching a successful podcast, optimizing resources, and engaging their audience effectively.

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About this session

Auditorium 1, Brighton Centre, Kings Road, Brighton and Hove, Brighton, BN1 2GR, United Kingdom

Thu 03 Oct, 2024 | 01:40 PM