Schema markup, also known as structured data, is used by SEO professionals to help Google to fully understand the content on a page.
Some Schemas are also used to generate rich snippets in Google's search results or to influence what is shown in the Knowledge Graph.
One of the biggest challenges faced by SEO experts is the actual implementation of Schemas, which usually requires development resources and in some cases multiple iterations are needed to get it right.
This led to the increased usage of GTM as a tool to implement structured data, especially static markup such as Organization Schema or markup with a fixed number of items and values that update when a page loads, e.g. Product or Job Schema.
In this masterclass you'll learn all these standard Schema implementation cases and how to go beyond.
You'll discover how to utilise the power of GTM to implement dynamic JSON-LD Schemas such as Carousel, FAQ and Breadcrumb - i.e. Schemas with a variable number of items.
You will learn how to capture the content needed to build Schemas that will work even after items are added or removed from a webpage.
Valuable pieces of code to allow you to implement Schemas via GTM will also be shared with you, as well as insights on Google's amazing rendering powers.
Masterclass: Implementation of schemas via GTM
brightonSEO October 2024
About this session
MR 15, Meeting Room 15, Brighton Centre, Kings Road, Brighton, BN1 2GR, United Kingdom
Thu 03 Oct, 2024 | 01:40 PM