A true SEO strategy takes available resources and finds the best way to use them to add value, relative to competitors, for search engines and for end users, in order to deliver against the business' overall and marketing objectives. Easy to say but there's a lot of steps to get there and a lot of information and stakeholders views and buy-ins to bring together.
Many SEO strategies simply do more of what has been done before, focus on vanity metrics or copy competitors' tactics. In this masterclass therefore Dave will cover finding the right stakeholders and really understand the business's strategy and objectives and how to align SEO with overall marketing strategy to get buy-in.
Dave will take you through how to ensure that strategies are achievable with the resources available and how to ensure that expectations of SEO focus on what it is good at and can deliver, and avoid it being considered as simply an alternative to paid search or other marketing channels (and instead how it can compliment them). Only then can we take a strategy and look at how to translate it into an achievable roadmap of tactics while keeping flexibility and balancing competing priorities, including short vs long term opportunities.
This Masterclass is suited to those who have worked their way up as SEOs and are now in roles where they need to put strategies together for their company or clients or want to take their SEO strategies to the next level.
Masterclass - Beyond roadmaps: creating a true strategy and getting management buy-in
brightonSEO April 2025
About this session
Meeting Room 15, Brighton Centre, Kings Road, Brighton, BN1 2GR, United Kingdom
Fri 11 Apr, 2025 | 01:40 PM