Emily Hill

freelance content strategist and copywriting trainer | Content Strategist

Emily is a freelance content strategist and copywriting trainer. She works with organisations to help them figure out what to say, how to say it, and how to get the right people to hear it. A former copywriting agency owner, Emily has a long-standing relationship with brightonSEO, having created their very first Copywriting for SEO workshop way back in 2014! She has delivered the workshop twice a year ever since, with the exception of 2017 when the imminent arrival of her twins rendered it a little risky to be away from home! These days, Copywriting for SEO is available as a self-paced online course, or a face-to-face workshop as part of the brightonSEO conference. Emily has occasionally taken to the stage at brightonSEO itself, most recently to make the case for content readability.

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Emily Hill